Wildlife of Siberia. Camera traps

Wildlife of Siberia. Camera traps

Картинки дикой природы Сибири - с пояснениями для ваших англоязычных друзей (вдруг они медведя от тигра не отличают)

Wildlife of Siberia. Camera traps

Videos of animals from the taiga and beyond

Love games of snow leopards in the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve


A snow leopard drives birds away from its prey

Nature Reserve "Ubsunur Basin" in Tuva


Bears scratch their backs. Do you like this kind of pleasure?

Tunguska Nature Reserve


Moose turns into a bear

This is a joke, of course (montage)


Night walk of Pallas's cat

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve


The beauty of the lynx

Hunting farm Chugunaevskoye


Once again, snow leopards are inspecting their property

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve


The fox decided to leave the frame

Hunting farm Chugunaevskoye


A bear reconfigures a camera trap he discovered

Hunting farm Chugunaevskoye


Wild goat with a kid 

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve


Rare shot: flying squirrel

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve


Don't be afraid: it's just a Pallas cat looking you in the eye

Этот дикий кот в Сибири - исчезающий вид, к сожалению. Он находится под охраной государства


A handsome tiger admires the view of Vladivostok

Reserve "Land of the Leopard" (this is no longer Siberia, but the Far East of Russia)



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